Thursday, February 25, 2016

Starting a laser forum

Starting a laser forum

Hi everyone. I am in the beginning of getting a forum up and running that will compliment this group. I plan to incorporate all types of lasers and supporting software. I am looking for help moderating. I have a full time job and this is a hobby. Also looking for ideas on what would make a great forum. All ideas are welcome. Post here or email me @ larrygon gmail. Thanks!


  1. This will be in a traditional forum format and easier to navigate.

  2. Dont forget to post the link later :)

  3. Will there be a wiki? I want a wiki!

  4. Well here it is warts and all!
    Sean Cherven a new wiki would be great! There are a few out there but seem to have old info. Are you volenteering?

  5. I don't have the time to start the wiki page myself, but if you start it, i'll manage it.


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