Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Not sure why this did not show up in the main forum. Great troubleshooting and lesson for future troubleshooting movement issues.

Not sure why this did not show up in the main forum. Great troubleshooting and lesson for future troubleshooting movement issues.

Originally shared by Fabiano Ramos

Hello Friends, thx for attention!
I have this problem on my K40. She came with me from the US and since 2014 I've never put her to work since. Today I had to use it, but Axis X has this problem. The video details exactly the problem:

I pulled out the Belt of X axis to check the engine status, it stands still, humming.

I bought a new motherboard, and put it in place of the old, same problem. What could it be? The Power Supply voltages are normal ( 5.1v e 24.5v).

I'm totally in the dark. I have no idea what it can be. Has anyone experienced this and knows how to solve it?


Saturday, February 10, 2018

Love a Nurse PRN fridge magnet

Love a Nurse PRN fridge magnet

For non medical people, PRN is med speak for as needed.

Time to Quilt Clock

Time to Quilt Clock

My wife did the finishing colorization of the clock.