Sunday, February 4, 2018

LightBurn software now has a forum presence!

LightBurn software now has a forum presence!

Join the discussions at:


  1. Would be nice to be able to get on the forum to join up with Lightburn in the first place. Tried many times and the forum wont even give auto password re-sets.

  2. What is your email? Will have you reset in about an hour or so.

  3. PopsE Cas what is your email on the forum? I will get it reset for you..

  4. Hi, thanks, however i'm UK based and needed to get my shut eye. I have now registered with a new used ID and its finally given me password access. It needs sorting out tho as I registered 3 times with other user ID's, sent me an email but didn't give me the up-date of a password. the final one did so I'm registered now thanks. But I do know others have had the same problem and given up so if LB moves totally over to EL they wont so will give up and go back to LW4 as they are supported on G+ and easier to communicate support.

  5. Why can't the forum give auto password re-sets? I have never come across a forum that doesn't and its a pain when we are hours apart and often need to get in touch.

  6. PopsE Cas First of all I want to thank you for your persistence. I do understand your frustration and the others who are trying to get registered. Can you give me a detailed idea of what the issue is and/or where you were unable to complete the registration. Thanks again.


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